It's Simple

Most of the people, when plan to do something get discouraged by the consequences and stop their plans there. They don't even think about trying for once. They don't even try. They FEAR. They judge their future and not think about the efforts they will make, or they don't think about making any efforts at all. This usually happens and even I'm a victim of this. I ne'er thought I'd be writing so confidently or I'd have the confidence to give presentations. 

I feared too. Sometimes it becomes easy to fear but difficult to perform.Lack of confidence is something you need to overcome if you want to have the courage, will, and power to do anything in your life. It's your life and remember you're the only one here to build it up and save your ship which is about to sink. Doesn't matter if you face critics, they are always there to help you out. 

Yeah! Critics actually help you by providing you a chance to smile if you know and are confident about your bids, about your tries and attempts which really matter in building up your confidence and assertiveness.They  might tell you you're inferior. They might even tell you that your efforts are of no worth. All you have to do is "Listen" to them. I won't say "Ignore them". 

Listen to them, learn from them. Know that they have nothing to do and just like doctors are busy in treating patients, engineers are busy in constructions and some are busy in software making, farmers are busy in their fields, similarly, critics are busy in criticizing you, so as it's their job to criticize without any reason, they are doing it well, and you just listen to them, don't care what they say! Feel sorry for them and their life because you know, this type of job doesn't earn you a livelihood. Well that were critics, now you inner soul which deprives you from using your skills, which tells you "not to write a story but just read that of others". 

How to defeat it? How to overcome it? How to master the skills of facing those obstacles in your daily life? These are the questions no one can answer appropriately, even I'm still searching for the answers. But somehow I've understood the techniques. The ones which were being kept confidential. I honestly don't know what others do, but what I did was something quite simple. I put myself under the condition which I feared the most. I feared facing a large crowd so I started from facing the smaller one first and after developing some confidence, I tried facing the large one. 

It was difficult for the first time, but slowly all the fear faded away. So you might also try to defeat your inner soul which prevents you from doing things by putting yourself in those conditions which you fear the most and which you think you can't do or you can "NEVER" do.

But trust me, YOU CAN DO! 
It's simply Simple!